I'm Glad For Being Invisible...Kind of

I've recently felt insecure about not being "discovered" on the internet by my "ideal" audience despite having affirmations about my good video quality. I admit that just because a video visually looks good that doesn't mean that it's enough to hold the attention of just any viewer. I'm under the impression that I've been doing well enough at being consistent enough in my Youtube journey these past few months that I would see enough statistics that could help steer me in a clearer path. That's not the case.

Despite being discouraged by lack of discovery, views, or even a clearer direction of what I could be doing, I'm reminded by accountability buddy that it's OK to be invisible and that while nobody really knows me, this means I can still create others stuff without my audience having to be disappointed and let down that I experimented on something else that I truly enjoy instead of the content that they signed up for.

I'm not opposed to losing subscribers, but I am discouraged that I don't quite know who I am trying to serve and attract. I am discouraged at lack of clarity, but ironically enough, I believe that I will find clarity by continuing to create more videos and other creative work. I'm happy to gain the subscribers that are really "my people," my audience that really vibes well with me and I with them. Not many have shown themselves but the few that have, it makes me excited and encouraged to continue to stay creative.

In the end, I believe it's OK to be invisible and that hopefully by the time that I am visible or even "blow up" that I would be able to capitalize not just on the influx of new potential audience members and community members but that I would also be able to capitalize on the impact that stands by my purpose, mission and values that I have to share with the world. I don't want to be famous, especially for something that I don't want to be known for.

Until my audience finds me, I will continue to put my head down and work and position myself in the place that you want to be 10 years from now, even if that isn't so clear right now. What I regret most is not continuing this creative pursuit from the beginning. It's gonna be a long game.


Freedom in NOT Sharing Your Creations


Thankful for October 2021