I’m Not a Hero


I believe it was from the book Storybrand where I read that we as the brand, are not the hero, but we are the guide. Our audience, the people that we serve are the heroes and heroines. This is quite a shocker but also not. Much of what I see on Instagram is many influencers displaying their awesome brand pictures. Although I, as a hobbyist photographer and videographer appreciate a great shot, I find myself getting much more value and retention out of text-based posts, specifically carousels.

Although my social media habits as a content creator have slightly changed, it still rings true that I connect much more with posts that position me as the hero, posts that connect with my story before my wallets. As Gary V says, instead of having a jab, jab, right hook, he would rather jab, jab, jab, jab, jab, jab, jab, right hook. In other words, provide much value before ever asking them to buy.

As a consumer, I'm a hero, but as someone looking to serve others and provide value, I realize that the way I position myself and my content needs to change. I am but a guide, and I would just be fortunate enough to be surrounded by the right person, right community that I can best serve and be a part of. Impact is not about how great I am, but how great we can build each other up.


Thankful For September 2021


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